DIGITAL IMAGES are at the centre of contemporary culture. They dominate our lives, the ways we know the world, and ourselves.

But this is not a place to begin your quest, is better to look where it all starts!
What is an image?
An eternal question.

To unravel the mysteries of the image is an impossible task.
It is also an irresistible adventure.
The journey ahead is full of endless treasures. Your rewards depend on your curiosity and drive to learn.

The hyperlinks will lead you to encounters with general ideas and questions related to images.

Find the window to travel through diverse worlds: mental, literary, poetic, visual, technical, scientific images, and their histories, cultures, traditions.

A course has been marked for you to fly... or transgress:
this is also a journey of self discovery.

Find your path
what is an image?
THERE HAVE BEEN times when the question "What is an image?" was a matter of some urgency
images /// realities
What is imagery?
What is imagination?

The birth of photography was the birth of what philosopher Vilem Flusser called THE TECHNICAL IMAGE
Technical images are a most important part of this journey, but this is not a place to begin your quest, is better to look where it all starts!

Poets are ever the heralds of new ways of seeing.
There is much to learn from their inquiries into the nature of the image

But this is not a place to begin your quest, is better to look where it all starts!

You have opened the gate!
The Mental Image is the primordial image

This is your path to initiation into the Great Mystery just jump in!