following the visions of my ancestors and teachers;

following the lights of othered gods

what is the role of the interface
in the formation of contemporary consciousness?
What else is possible?
"I cannot come home again.
I have changed too much. It is my mind that has changed.
I can never come home again"

-From "I Heard the Owl Call my Name" by Margaret Craven
"When the others thought you should be initiated I opposed the idea. I had a good reason: you can bring words out of your mind and put them in paper for all to read. [...] it was because I wanted you to live. I never thought you would make it

-Dagara elder, from "Of Waters and Spirits" by Malidoma Patrice Somé
"Language is the house of Being. In its home man dwells. Those who think and those who create with words are the guardians of this home"

'Letter on Humanism'. Martin Heidegger
vle x10

learning journeys
what is the dominant image today?
what is the image able to capture the essence of our transdimensional
MAGINES are alternative digital interfaces, design practices as an urgent effort of cultural ressistance.
how to dispell our induced generalized addiction to mental harm?
how to safely engage indigenous communities in the online global dialogue?

linear languages have been instrumental to ontological obliteration
what are the new poetic potentials of these images?
how has the digital interface transformed our ways of being?
How to carry on the legacy of ancestral wisdoms, in the voices of their custodians?

How to safely carry, preserve and disseminate ancestral knowledges online?
e-merging learnings
how to aprehend the nature of our e-merging experiences?
are e-merging online territories, newly imagined healing environments, social relations based on rules of engagement envisioned by and for participating communities
the most profound and mutilating crime of colonialism is the imposition of a dominant language:
the departure from a mother tong is a definitive form of exile, a journey of no return for the soul

the digital interface, our new universally dominant language has come to seclude our imaginations, cultures and existences, webbing new enclosures for our e-merging beings; its architectures conjure e-merging forms of social control- new manifestations of the colonial spell

These portals open journeys of investigations about this dominant language: its nature and role in shaping our existences and its transformative poetic and social potentials
the intricacies of
e-merging spaces manifest the true essence of our transdimensional existences